January 14, 2008

Teeterboard and Parkour - Crazy skills!!!

The two most interesting things I came across last week happened to be quite ‘sporty’. Both are very exciting and fun filled to watch.

First is the Teeterboard acrobatics performed on a plank of wood setup like a seesaw. I found a video which WOWed me when I was searching for an animation reference. These acts performed in a Russian circus runs to nine and a half minutes and it’s definitely worth a watch.

Next one is called Parkour (French) or the art of displacement. I have seen in some movies and thought only Jackie Chan and Tony Jaa can do such crazy things. I was awe struck to know that these mind blowing acts are performed by many just for fun!

Wanna try?!
Parkour India
Parkour tutorials


MSV Muthu said...

good start! keep posting!

NSK said...

Thanks Muthu...hope to !